Monday, July 11, 2011

A Faithful God

I began the ten day medicine on thursday, my doc called the day before I started and changed up the dose so that life would be easier to live while on the medicine. For that I am very thankful, for the first three days I stayed in Des Moines and saturday night after a day at the lake with friends and family I headed home to my parents and upped my dose. 

I also learned more about the medicine, it is for one of my co-infections Babesia, this is the infection that makes it difficult to breathe. I will be taking this medicine for three months, ten days of every month. After the three months I will be retested for this specific co-infection, if its gone I will stop the medicine, if its still there I will go longer. 

For those that don't remember lyme disease can come with extra co-infections depending upon what tick bit them. Deer ticks bite three times, the first two are in smaller animals typically rats or squirrels, the last bite is a horse, dog, or human. It is the last bite that gets the infection. Co-infections are created based off of which animal the tick previously bit, and what diseases that animal had. Many people don't have any co-infections if they are bit, but some do. There are a total of six co-infections, all of which cause different symptoms this is one reason why lyme is so hard to diagnose, due to all the different co-infections and symptoms. I have the co-infections Mycoplasma, Babesia, and HHV6. So prayerfully the co-infection babesia will be taken care of through the medicine I am currently on. 

So far at home I am doing well, yesterday I started feeling sicker than the first couple days on this medicine but its not as bad as it could be so praise the Lord for that. We think the laser treatment is helping my body detox more and because of that I am not getting as sick, my body can handle the medicine easier. Afternoons are still the worst time of day for me but I am enjoying spending time with my family. 

I read my favorite book the other day, and this is high on my list of favorite verses; 

While I was fainting away I remembered the Lord and my prayer came to You, into Your holy temple. Those who regard vain idols forsake their faithfulness but I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving, that which I have vowed I will pay, salvation is from the Lord.  ~Jonah 2:7-9 

We serve a God who is faithful, no matter how low we think we have gone or how broken our world seems, God is still God. He has not left His throne and He has not forgotten us. Jonah was asked to report a message to Nineveh, that they would be destroyed because of their sin. Jonah didn't wan to report it because He knew God would have compassion on the people, Jonah knew they would repent and God wouldn't destroy them. Jonah was right, however he fled to Tarshish to avoid what he was asked and in the process had to be thrown overboard due to a storm. He was swallowed by a fish and for three days he was in the belly of the fish. 

Jonah didn't know if he would live to see daylight again, the verses earlier were Jonah's prayer when he was in the belly of the fish. Jonah remembered that God is God, and He is our salvation. No matter our circumstance, no matter our condition we can be faithful to God because He has been faithful to us. 

Prayer Requests:
*That my body can handle my medicine
*That I will stay encouraged this week
*Dr. P will be able to keep his practice in Iowa, and will turn to the Lord during this time

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