Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back to the Beginning

I decided to make a blog because the Lord has been teaching me and growing me in ways I would never have imagined possible and through ways I never would have imagined I could endure. 

In my life I have gone through quite a bit of physical pain. When I was in tenth grade I started having pain in my knees that spread through my whole body. My family and I decided we would trust the Lord to heal me and in the process we went to many different doctors. My faith was not strong enough to endure and I gave up on the Lord healing me. I decided to put all my hope in doctors and as you could assume my hope was crushed. A year and a half later and I went to a youth conference where I accepted Christ fully for the first time, it was no longer a one way relationship this time I was willing to give my life. Six months later I was completely healed. 

Skipping ahead to the present age, five weeks ago I started having that same knee pain, and since then the pain has been spreading at a rapid pace. Although pain is not fun to go through it is beautiful to see the Lords faithfulness in it. When I had gallbladder surgery in December I had no strength to fight physical pain anymore and I saw the Lord step up and fight for me. 

Exodus 14:13 Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today...The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.  

After surgery the idea of pain scared me to death I knew I couldn't handle it. When the pain started I realized the Lord didn't want me to handle it, He wants to share in my suffering that I many share in His. 

  2 Corinthians 4:7 We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God not from ourselves. 

I am claiming this verse because I have seen this proved countless times in my short life, God has chosen to take these broken down jars and put a beautiful light in them. If I do anything, especially now, it is not because I have any strength I can give but its because the God I serve does. I am so very weak, and He is so very strong.  I am thankful for the pain that I am going through, Gods desire through this pain is to make me more like His Son and for that I can be thankful and rejoice. 

Prayer Requests: 
*I have started at two new Doctors both alternative medicine, pray they will know quickly if they can help my situation or not also for no scheduling conflicts
*Pray the Lord would use this pain to give Him glory 
*That I would hourly keep my eyes on the Lord and not on my flesh

Thank you, Keep pressing. 


  1. You faith is beautiful to me Jenna. Thank you for challenging me daily!Thank you for allowing me walk this journey with you! <3 I love you!

  2. Thank you Katelyn, I truthfully could not do it without your support. Thank you for the sacrifices you make daily to help me I love you too!
