Friday, December 16, 2011

A New Lefty

Tuesday I completed my last final and today I taught for the last time at Stowe Elementary. I am so excited to be done with my classes although it was bitter sweet to leave my fourth graders. This semester has been a time filled with looking back and wondering how the Lord did it because it was not by my strength. 

Last week I was meditating on this verse:

Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory. ~2 Corinthians 4:16-17 

This verse reminded me of my physical body and how lyme disease had victory over me for a long time, my body was decaying daily but due to that decay I have a stronger heart. Due to lyme my heart, my faith, is so much stronger than I could ever have imagined or even asked for. I have said it before but I am so thankful for my lyme and how the Lord has used it to mold me into the woman I am today; though I am still learning to rely step by step on the Lord.  

Thursday last week I was sitting in bible study and my hand started hurting, there was no reason for it to hurt so I felt around where the pain was. I felt a bump and an hour later my hand was completely useless. Its my right hand so I went to the doctor right away, turns out I have a ganglion cyst. The location of it makes my right hand pretty useless. I found it very funny that the same week that I was praising the Lord for my lyme and how He taught me so much through physical 'decay' that He gave me another opportunity to grow and trust Him.

So for a week now I have been a lefty, which is very unnatural for me but God is go gracious. I took two finals with my left hand and do almost everything with my left hand now. This experience has pruned me in so many ways; my attitude, focusing on not complaining and a new way for me to trust the Lord. If you ever feel like you want to serve the body of Christ more or want more treasure in Heaven come on over! I tend to be a very needy person :)

My friends have again been so helpful, things I didn't even think about that I cant do alone anymore. From helping me carry things, doing my hair, washing my hair in the sink, wrapping gifts, writing cards. You name it they have done it and not once complained. I am so THANKFUL for the wonderful men and women that the Lord has placed in my life, they are so sacrificial. 

Thus far there is no ending date for my cyst; I have an appointment scheduled with a surgeon December 23rd. Please be praying for this, due to my lyme the surgeon doesn't want to remove it, they want to mess around with it and see if another way will work but from what my doctor has told me surgery is my next option. Please pray they wouldn't dance around what needs to happen. Its doable but it is hard to live without your dominant hand. 

This last week my lyme has been wonderful! I barely notice it, I have been sleeping well, getting up earlier without an alarm clock, and can do more in a day. You can tell I'm ready for my next level of medicine! I will begin it on Saturday, I am praying it is manageable and I can live life as close to normal as possible. But whatever happens I have confidence the Lord will use it.

Prayer Requests:
*Wisdom for the surgeon with my cyst
*The Lord will continue to teach me through Lyme and my cyst
*That I will use my break wisely

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